What's New?



  • October - The new GWRC Open Data Site was launched. It includes content from Metlink (public transport) and Environmental Monitoring sources in addition to GIS content.
  • September - The GWRC Open Data Site was updated to convert 1m topographic contours to a more efficient set of tile-cached services. Data is tiled by 50k topo map sheet extents.
  • May - The GWRC Open Data Site was updated to include 1m topographic contours. They are derived from the best publicly-available LIDAR elevation data, and cover the whole Wellington Region. Data is tiled by 50k topo map sheet extents.
  • May - Data for the map page Sea Level Rise Mapping for the Wellington Region was updated to incorporate updated LIDAR DEM data sources for the Wellington Harbour area. This data was supplied by WCC (2020) and HCC (2016).





Page last revised:  May 27, 2021 15:30 by John Gibson